
how to get rid of smegma

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Smegma, or podzalupny curd: what are we talking about?



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Many mothers sometimes notice an abundant light discharge with a specific odor on the genitals of their children. This mass is called smegma and is a sebaceous secretion, combined with moisture and dead epithelial cells, which accumulates inside the sac of the foreskin. Smegma is popularly called "podzalupny curd", and its formation is a completely natural and natural state that can be observed in any mammal.

If we talk about a small amount of smegma, then this is considered a variant of the norm. But there are also exceptions. So when should you sound the alarm?

Causes of smegma accumulation

Let's see what is smegma? This is a natural ointment-like secretion produced by the glands located on the head of the penis. These secretions are mixed with dead epithelial cells and fluid - moisture. In most people, such a secretion accumulates under the foreskin and is washed out from there with the stream of urine during its excretion. [1]

The secret is produced by the glandular system, which is located in the area of the coronal groove, which runs at the base of the head of the penis . Smegma under the foreskin is necessary to soften and moisturize the tissues and facilitate skin movement. But sometimes too much of it is produced, which contributes to the creation of favorable conditions in which the pathogenic flora grows and develops rapidly. [2],  [3] Some studies have shown that subpreputsialnom space were inhabited by a variety of organisms. [4] This is why it happens:

  • in case of improper or incomplete compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • with phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin;
  • with an infectious lesion of the urinary or genital organs.

Removal (flushing) of smegma is difficult, so the mass accumulates in the zone of the prepuntial sac, becomes denser and begins to exude an unpleasant odor. Its particles become solid, lose their protective properties and become the main factor in the development of infectious processes:

  • balanitis - an inflammatory reaction in the tissues of the head of the penis;
  • postitis - an inflammatory reaction with damage to the foreskin;
  • balanoposthitis is a combined pathology with simultaneous damage to the head and foreskin.

In the past, some experts feared that smegma might contain cancer-causing compounds. Most experts now believe that smegma alone probably does not cause penile cancer. But it can irritate and inflame the penis, which can increase the risk of cancer . It can also make it difficult to detect cancer at a very early stage. [5]

Smegma composition

The fatty mass - smegma - consists of dead epithelial cells mixed with the secretion of the sebaceous glandular system, which usually accumulates in the cavity of the prepuntial sac. Other components of smegma can be:

  • fatty inclusions;
  • non-tuberculous mycobacteria;
  • necrotic epithelial cells;
  • antimicrobial substances;
  • products of external secretion - pheromones.

Smegma helps the penis to function adequately:

  • provides easy glide of the head;
  • protects against microtrauma;
  • prevents the development of infectious diseases. [6]

What does smegma look like, smell of smegma?

What kind of smegma should a child have? Usually it is a light oil-like substance with a rather sharp specific tart aroma. Outwardly, the mass is similar to a white ointment, which is distributed over the glans of the penis. At any age, this substance should be easily and easily removed from the skin.

The accumulation of smegma in a child is more pronounced during puberty. With adequate observance of hygiene rules, problems should not arise. However, in some cases, the mass accumulates simultaneously with the development of phimosis, which can result in increased multiplication of the infection. [7]

Smegma in boys should be alerted if it has signs of not a physiological, but a pathological process. This happens with the following diseases:

  • Thrush (candidiasis) is characterized by the appearance of white discharge (like cottage cheese) mainly in the area of the glans penis. The disease is caused by a fungal infection, accompanied by an itching and burning sensation in the affected area.
  • Genital infections are accompanied by the appearance of purulent discharge, which has a grayish tint and an extremely unpleasant odor.
  • Papillomatosis of the head is characterized by excessive production of smegma against the background of the formation of mushroom-like growths and warts on the skin.

Smegma in women

Normally, smegma can also be produced in women - albeit in very small quantities. With a degree of vaginal cleanliness of 3-4, the amount of smegma increases, which significantly increases the risks of developing an inflammatory process. Therefore, an important point is the regular implementation of hygiene procedures.

Without hygiene, the natural secret accumulates in the area of the labia minora and the clitoris, and after sexual intercourse, it enters the vagina, contributing to the development of adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.

The greatest amount of smegma in women is produced in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • in the process of hormonal changes - for example, upon reaching the period of puberty;
  • with the onset of sexual activity;
  • in case of violation of hygiene rules.

If smegma is found in girls, this does not indicate the presence of any deviation, but demonstrates the need for more careful observance of intimate hygiene. A visit to the doctor will not be superfluous - to exclude a bacterial or fungal infection of the genitals. It is especially important to start treatment in a timely manner if the female smegma acquires an atypical color or a repulsive scent. For example, many infections are accompanied by sour odors, rotten fish or onions. [8]

Smegma in newborn girls is easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. It is better not to use soap, especially laundry soap, so as not to cause excessive dryness and irritation. In addition, too persistent flushing of beneficial microflora can result in the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms, which will further develop into a problem requiring prolonged treatment.

Treatment of smegma, is it necessary?

Smegma in men, if it accumulates in large quantities, can cause the development of inflammatory reactions in the penis area and, as a consequence, quite strong pain. Thus, treatment is prescribed if a pathological process develops as a result of accumulations. In all other cases, it is sufficient to simply delete the extra secret. [9] To do this, it is enough to adhere to the following rules:

  • regularly monitor the cleanliness of the penis;
  • replace linen in a timely manner;
  • in the process of intimate hygiene, gently expose the head of the penis, easily pushing back the foreskin, and wash the places of smegma accumulation with running warm water.

When signs of an inflammatory reaction appear, antiseptic external preparations are used for topical application to the problem area. Appoint skin washing with antiseptics, herbal infusions or decoctions.

What to do if smegma is detected against the background of phimosis?

  • To begin with, you need to deal not with smegma, but completely eliminate the phenomenon of phimosis: for this, medical baths are most often used, but in difficult cases it is rarely possible to do without surgical assistance - circumcision of the foreskin.
  • After successfully getting rid of phimosis, they begin to sanitize the head: they wash it with antiseptic solutions until the development of the inflammatory reaction stops completely.
  • Next, you should pay maximum attention to the cleanliness of the penis, accustom the child to the mandatory observance of hygiene rules. At first, parents are advised to control the quality of the procedures, until the boy learns to perform them on his own. [10]

How to get rid of smegma?

Excessive accumulation of secretions can provoke the development of inflammatory reactions and discomfort in the groin area. However, it is quite easy to remove excess smegma. This is usually done using standard, regular hygiene procedures.

Smegma in a newborn is white or yellowish-white inclusions. If there are no signs of an inflammatory process, then you should not intentionally remove this lubricant: the usual hygiene procedures are enough. A visit to the urologist is necessary:

  • if the penis turns red;
  • if purulent discharge is noted;
  • if the baby is clearly worried during urination, cries.

In no case should force be used against the genitals of the child, you should not forcefully try to remove the head. In other words - if nothing bothers the baby, then nothing needs to be done with the smegma. Only the excess smegma is removed, if necessary.

How to remove smegma and properly care for the genitals?

  • The genital lavage is carried out daily, without special moving the foreskin.
  • They wash the child by directing a stream of water from the penis to the anus, but not vice versa.
  • Without stretching, the skin is easily blotted with a soft towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • At the first signs of inflammation, it is necessary to treat the skin with special antiseptics. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe antimicrobial and antifungal ointments or antibiotics. [11]

How to remove smegma at home?

The genitals of boys are practically "sheltered" from any external influences, since the foreskin "hides" the head, preventing microbes and other agents from getting on the delicate skin. Smegma also performs a certain protective function, because it has high antimicrobial properties and neutralizes microorganisms that still managed to penetrate the skin. That is why you should not specifically try to remove smegma: it is necessary as a protective agent. Intimate hygiene procedures should include the usual daily washing of the genitals with mild soap. Other actions in relation to the penis are meaningless and even harmful. It is impossible to push back the foreskin by force, trying to "scrape" and "sweep" everything. Such an invasion can severely injure delicate skin and cause irreparable harm.

With large accumulations of smegma, external washing of the organ is carried out. You can draw water into a disposable syringe (without a needle) and rinse the hidden part of the foreskin by pulling it slightly forward (not towards the body, but away from it). Additionally, sit baths are made with chamomile, furacilin, and a weak solution of manganese-sour potassium. [12]

Chamomile baths after smegma removal help soothe irritated skin and have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a solution for the procedure, take 90 g of dry chamomile, pour 800 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and incubate for 15-20 minutes. The bath can be done twice a day for about 15 minutes. [13]

The main thing that experts are trying to convey to parents: smegma, or the so-called podzalupny curd is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and trying to get rid of it in any way is unreasonable. If the boy is not worried about anything, then no manipulations with the foreskin and smegma are necessary.

how to get rid of smegma


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